Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Diaries of a college student

So you are in College? Right?
Your parents must be very proud of you I must say, so are mine.
However, what actually makes up the biggest percentage of your life in college or university. Is is your education, social life, co curricular activities, sleeping? Just how exactly do you manage your time?
Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the diaries of a college student.

When we enter campus, we are exposed to a whole new world of freedom, different kinds of people, higher education, among other things. We perceive it as the gateway to success and are determined to do our education work diligently so as to succeed in our lives.

"Hawk-eyed" students, who I think could qualify for secret service, usher us into our new lives. These are the keen students, especially men, who are "kind enough" to welcome us into an institution of higher learning. We get the impression that the students are after all very hospitable.
Things start to go a little haywire when the "kind" students start asking for some "payment in kind" for their efforts. At this stage, as freshmen, we have already tasted a bit of campus life and noticed that it is after all not that bad.
At this stage we already started our higher education and we learn of infamous techniques of doing assignments such as "copy and paste". We therefore recognize that we can after all do manage our books with a little bit of fun and still get good grades.
Your folks from home are constantly calling concerned about how their child has adapted to the campus life and whether the units are difficult, among other issues. Here you give them an assurance that you are studying really hard and though some units are difficult ( you may even apportion some blame to the lecturer) you are really putting good effort.

Fast track to second year in campus and you have learnt all the tricks in this life setting. You know where to hang out, what to buy, who to hang out with, and the best joints in town. You are eagerly anticipating the freshmen so as to "audit" them.
In second year life is basically about having fun and having lots of fun!!!
It does not matter whether you have the money or not, what matters is how you many bashes you are going to attend, how many ladies you are planning to "hang with", how many liters of alcohol you are going to take, and any other new adventure that you have never tried before.
The books play second fiddle and you just keep praying that the lecturer does not set difficult exams.

As for the third year and fourth year, it is now about building your life and the bitter reality that you are about to graduate hits you. Books become more important but the social life is still a major actor more so, when there are freshmen coming.


Lets share our experiences in college and how we spent/ spend our time..

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